Power Chiropractic | Miami Shores Chiropractor / Chiropractor in Miami, Florida

At Power Chiropractic, they encourage you to schedule an initial consultation in order to know which problems to address. During the consult, resident doctor Miguel Toro will introduce you to a significantly different approach than the traditional chiropractic and therapy called Bio-structural restoration using Life by Design Method. To fully enjoy the Chiropractic benefits, their approach is to determine and narrow in the core problem within your neuromusculoskeletal system. From there, the Chiropractor will analyze and interpret the result then customize a corrective program for you. If you happen to be living around Miami or on a vacation, treat yourself by visiting a chiropractor in Miami, check out Power Chiropractic.


Chiropractic Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic Services Chiropractic Treatment Chiropractor Chiropractor Miami Massage Therapy Miami Shores Chiropractor Power Chiropractic Wellness
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