Spine & Disc Specialists / Chiropractor in Saint Louis, Missouri

Spine & Disc Specialists located in St. Louis, Missouri is one of the most recognized state-of-art chiropractic & injury rehabilitation clinics in Mehlville, Concord, Green Park, and surrounding areas. When you visit Dr. Longo, you can have absolute confidence that you are with an exceptional doctor who will deliver to you the best of care. Whether you have been in a car crash, have a disc injury, or have back pain and don’t know why, Dr. Longo is happy to help. Dr. Longo attained post graduate credentials that have led to him having status through both chiropractic and medical academia as trained in Chiropractic Biophysics, a Trauma Team member, Interdisciplinary Hospital Qualified, Primary Spine Care Provider, and Pediatric Chiropractic.


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