Foundation Chiropractic / Chiropractor in Kingston, Washington

address: 8202 NE State Highway 104 #105, Kingston, WA, 98346

Welcome to Foundation Chiropractic, a multidisciplinary medical and chiropractic office in Kingston. Whether you are looking for functional rehab, adjustments, allergy treatment, IV Therapy, shockwave, class 4 laser, advanced disc decompression, weight loss, neuropathy treatment or Genvisc knee treatment, we have a solution for you. Patients come to us with different goals. Some patients come to us with pain issues while others are looking for overall wellness. In either situation our team of chiropractors, functional movement specialists and nurse practitioners are committed to providing you the healthcare that will help you reach those goals all under one roof. We really look forward helping you and your family meet your health goals!


Allergist Chiropractic Care Chiropractor Medical Center, Physical Therapist, Weight Loss Service
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