Everett Accident & Injury Clinic / Chiropractor in Everett, Washington

Discover the benefits of chiropractic care at Everett Accident and Injury Clinic with a free initial consultation. Meet our doctors and staff, ask questions, and see if we're the right fit for you without any obligation. Our team is dedicated to helping you get back to an active, pain-free life.

If you're experiencing pain for a car accident injury, sports injury, or work related injuries , we offer treatment for back and neck pain to relieve your symptoms and improve your daily activities. At Everett Injury Clinic, our top priority is helping our patients reach their full health potential with gentle and effective chiropractic techniques.

Trust in our chiropractic team to provide you with the care you need. While you may not be able to control the events causing pain and suffering, you can choose to not be limited by them. Our team is here to help you achieve your health goals and provide you with peace of mind. Contact us in Everett with any questions.


Car Accident Chiropractor, Sports Injury Chiropractor, Work Inju Chiropractic
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