Doc Dwayne Chiropractor Oakland / Chiropractor in Oakland, California

Your trusted Chiropractor in Oakland, CA. For anyone in the Oakland, CA area who’s looking for body sculpting and Chiropractor options, Doc Dwayne Chiropractor can help. We offer Cryo T Shock to give you the sculpted look you want. Feeling healthy, and feeling good about your body, are both important. With the right options, you can get both in one place. We also offer Therapeutic Massages and Myofascial Release. When you need a chiropractor, we've got your back. Our team is committed to helping our patients reach their goals and making sure they feel better than ever before! We are conveniently located in Oakland, California. We offer free parking and accessibility features so everyone can receive world-class treatment at every visit!

Address- 4703 Tidewater Ave Suite G, Oakland, California,94601


Chiropractic Chiropractor Neck Pain Shoulder Pain Wellness
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