Byers Chiropractic & Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care / Chiropractor in Kent, Washington

Auto Accidents are the cause of a wide variety of injuries. No matter how minor your accident was, it's best to seek care from a trusted automobile accident chiropractor in Kent to prevent what might be a slight injury now from becoming a long-term problem. At Byers Chiropractic & Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care, our state-of-the-art facility allows us to correct nerve damage, treat soft tissue and bone injuries, and get your body back into alignment for optimal health. If you've been in an auto accident, we can help you with all stages of recovery. We do not require a referral for treatment. We also treat whiplash, the most common injury after an auto accident. We will work directly with your insurance company to coordinate all billing so that you can focus on your health. Contatc us today to book an appointment and start your journey to recovery.

Address- 9003 Canyon Drive, Kent , WA ,98030


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