Live Long & Prosper Chiropractic LLC / Chiropractor in Auburn, Washington

Sick of the pain and discomfort you experience daily? Do you suffer from any of these conditions? Chiropractic care is one of the fastest-growing health professions. Auburn chiropractic care benefits your overall health by helping to alleviate your chronic pain and suffering. It also allows you to stay active, provides immediate relief when needed, and improves your overall quality of life. There are several different types of chiropractic adjustments: manual and instrument adjustment.

A manual adjustment is used to correct a specific joint or muscle.
An instrument adjustment uses an additional tool to correct a muscle or joint.

Live Long & Prosper Chiropractic LLC is located in Auburn, WA. We are dedicated to getting our clients to live active lives devoid of pain.

Address: 514 Auburn Way N, Auburn, WA, 98002-1312, USA


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