QC Kinetix (Dublin) / Chiropractor in Dublin, Ohio

QC Kinetix Dublin is your clinic for regenerative treatments for joint pain. We offer the latest innovative regenerative therapies for Dublin knee pain treatment, shoulder pain, hip pain, and elbow pain relief without surgery. Call today or visit our website to schedule a free consultation with one of our physicians. You can have hip replacement alternatives, knee replacement alternatives, and arthritis pain relief while avoiding surgery and regaining the mobility and functionality of your joints more quickly. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, contact our office today for a consultation and take your first steps towards getting back on track. Thanks to our success with regenerative medicine, we've built a reputation for ourselves in Dublin, Ohio as one of the most trusted providers around. We've done this by consistently delivering amazing results to patients on a consistent basis and turning them into our biggest supporters!

Address: 5040 Bradenton Ave Suite C, Dublin, OH, 43017


Non-Surgical Regenerative Treatments
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