QC Kinetix (Lakeland) / Chiropractor in Lakeland, Florida

As a patient at QC Kinetix (Lakeland), you will receive personalized care from physicians who specialize in regenerative medicine treatments. Your physician will carefully examine your condition and develop a treatment plan based on the latest techniques and technology available. You will also benefit from the expertise of our highly trained staff members, who are dedicated to providing outstanding customer service.

QC Kinetix (Lakeland) offers numerous non-surgical regenerative medicine treatments for patients suffering from joint pain, inflammation, and cartilage damage. If you are looking for a facility that offers something different, you have come to the right place. Our focus is on patient satisfaction. We believe that if we can make our patients happy, they will tell their friends about us. Word of mouth has always been the best way for us to grow our client base.

Address: 3131 Lakeland Hills Blvd, Suite 4, Lakeland, FL 33805


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