QC Kinetix (Homewood) / Chiropractor in Homewood, Alabama

QC Kinetix offers a non-surgical solution for people going through regenerative medicine near Birmingham, back pain, and other injuries. Our goal is to help our patients enjoy life to the fullest by getting them back to work, sports, and activities they love. We are dedicated to helping you heal your body from the inside out. Have you been told that surgery is your only option? Have you tried everything to eliminate the pain and immobility that your condition is causing, without success? At QC Kinetix, we help patients just like you every day. We do much more than mask symptoms with prescription medications or invasive surgeries. Through our restorative pain treatments, we can get to the root of your condition so that your body can heal naturally, from the inside out. We use advanced technology to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal pains that can cause swelling, inflammation, or immobility. Contact us today for more information on each of our technologies.
Address: 1 Independence Drive, Suite 800, Homewood, AL, 35209


Back Pain Foot Pain Wrist Pain
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