Silverdale Sport & Spine / Chiropractor in Silverdale, Washington

Chiropractic clinic located in Silverdale, Washington specializing in the McKenzie Method for the non-surgical treatment of musculoskeletal pain syndromes of the spine and extremities. The McKenzie Method, also known as Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), is an individualized, evidence based protocol that promotes quality assessment, patient empowerment, self treatment, and prevention. Dr. Jordan Duncan is one of a small handful of chiropractors in the state of Washington to be credentialed in MDT. Our clinic also has an emphasis on sports medicine and training, and in addition to treating athletes we offer movement screens as well as personalized functional rehabilitation and corrective exercise programs for athletes of all ages and skill levels.


Auto Injury Care Back Pain Chiropractic Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic Treatment Chiropractor Disc Problems Extremity Herniated Disc McKenzie Method Motor Vehicle Accidents Rehabilitation Sciatica Shoulder Pain Spinal Rehabilitation Sports Injuries Sports Injury Sports Rehab
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