Rooted Life Chiropractic / Chiropractor in Coronado, California

Address: 1109 8th St., Coronado, CA, 92118

At Rooted Life Chiropractic, we offer a variety of services such as chiropractic, pediatric chiropractic, infant & pregnancy chiropractics as well. Dr. Deborah Marin-Nikolin is the owner and founder of Rooted Life Chiropractic and it is her passion to educate each and every person on the body's natural ability to heal itself! To keep things simple, if you have a spine you should be practicing chiropractic care even if its just for maintenance. It is an essential part of our nervous system! If you are in the San Diego area, it would be our honor to help you get your body back to its natural state! To learn more please contact us today!


Chiropractic Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Services Chiropractor Family Chiropractic Pediatric Chiropractic Prenatal Chiropractor
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