Roach Family Wellness / Chiropractor in Altamonte Springs, Florida

Roach Family Wellness is the #1 effective Chiropractic office near you, located in Altamonte Springs, FL. Dr Erik Roach - Head chiropractor, & his staff are well equipped in handling all your needs. Whether you need Chiropractic Rehabilitation, Spinal Decompression, Physical Therapy, Knee Pain Therapy, or Trigger Point Therapy, our skilled chiropractic clinicians will help you achieve optimal health. As a well-respected and established chiropractor in Altamonte Springs, FL, we have the expertise needed to ensure your best chance of having an optimal level of spinal and overall musculoskeletal health. Auto Accidents and Personal Injury cases are extremely well executed with proper care for the patient. Our services we care for include but are not limited to: Back pain, high blood pressure, spinal decompression, headaches/migraines, knee pain, physical therapy, nutrition, post & prenatal care, Pediatric Wellness, Maglife Therapy, Metagenics and stress relief.
Roach Family Wellness is an Altamonte Springs Chiropractor Center where the focus is on individually customized treatments that eliminate the source of your pain. In addition to pain relief, our family practice provides valuable information and education to help prevent future problems and enable you to lead a healthy life. Located in Altamonte Springs, Florida, we treat hundreds of patients of all ages from Central Florida.


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