Chirowell / Chiropractor in Chandler, Arizona

Address: 1900 W Germann Rd #16, Chandler, AZ 85286

At CHIROWELL, our mission is to help you live well. We focus on identifying and treating three main stressors in life which are mechanical, nutritional, and emotional in nature. Once we determine what stressors are causing your health problems, we use Chiropractic, Nutrition, and/or Weight Loss plan to treat them and help you get your life back! To identify the underlying stressors, we utilize a cutting-edge laboratory technology called IUP (Integrated Urinalysis Panel). This test is a very specialized and so comprehensive test that most medical clincs and hosptials can't run it. Based on the test result, we can help you meet your health and wellness goals without guessing. Accurately identifying your problem is the half the battle. For example, if your goal is losing weight, we can help you lose 20 to 35lbs in just 6 week with our doctor supervised weight loss program or if you were injured in a car accident, we can help you get out of pain and reach pre-injury status fast so you can get your life back. Please contact our office to schedule a FREE consultation or visit our website, for more information.


Chiropractic Chiropractic Care Chiropractor
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