Dr. Amir Rashidian / Chiropractor in Frederick, Maryland

Mid Atlantic Chiropractic Center promotes physical wellness through personalised chiropractic treatment; personalised, because every patient has different pain points and medical history. Being a family care chiropractic and wellness center, we provide exceptional chiropractic care to adults, children and elderly. Chiropractic treatment is a natural way to get rid of chronic neck & back pain and all types of migraines. Chiropractic massage also helps in posture correction, improves bone & muscle strength and mitigates desk-job fatigue. Looking for a chiropractor in the nearby of Frederick MD? Give us a call to book an appointment. Our spine and pain center is open on weekdays and Saturday.


Chiropractic Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic Services Chiropractic Treatment Frederick Chiropractor Frederick Md Chiropractor Frederick Spine And Pain Center
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