Notaro Chiropractic - Grand Island / Chiropractor in Grand Island, New York

It is our ultimate goal to bring you back to your 100 percent health as soon as possible. We are a full-service chiropractic center in Grand Island with flexible hours open from Monday to Saturday. We guarantee you that when you visit us, you will be experiencing high-quality service, state of the art facility and excellent services from our highly experienced Doctors. We take pride in our outstanding customer service and impeccable knowledge and expertise.

Our chiropractic service is a natural method of healthcare which is proven to relieve many body pains like back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and increase a person’s vitality and promote overall wellness and health. It is one of the largest, non-surgical methods that is being used in the United States.


Acupuncture Adjustments Chiropractic Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic Treatment Chiropractor Lifestyle Advice Massage Therapy Nutritional Counseling Spinal Adjustments Wellness
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