At DT Chiropractic, we provide customized care to optimize patient outcome, employ advanced techniques to reduce treatment times, provide same-day appointments, accept numerous insurance policies, have off-hour emergency appointments available, and provide a “no sales” comfortable atmosphere. We believe that taking care of our patients is our top priority. At DT Chiropractic, we make sure that the treatment that you receive is custom tailored to the condition that you have. In order to provide our patients with the care they deserve, we stay ahead of the game with respect to our knowledge and techniques. Any of the services that you receive at DT Chiropractic has been studied exhaustively. We are here for you Canton, GA and Cherokee County. It is our mission to take care of our community the best possible way we can. Providing same-day appointments and offering off-hour emergency appointments means that we are here for you. If you are in debilitating pain, we want to help you as soon as possible. Nobody should be forced to endure pain for a longer than necessary period due to an office schedule. We will work you into our schedule somehow.