R.S. Porter / Chiropractor in Huntsville, Alabama

Dr. Porter opened Functional Chiropractic - Upper Cervical Clinic just over 2 years ago to provide the Tennessee Valley with full-spine chiropractic care, paired with his specialty in Upper Cervical chiropractic. This focus on the top two bones in the neck, the atlas and axis, is the key to alleviating discomfort throughout the body, as well as allowing the body to maximize its potential in activity, mobility, and strength.

Dr. Porter's interest in chiropractic was sparked when after years of suffering from chronic allergies, headaches, acid reflux, and a developing chronic fatigue, all of Porter’s symptoms went away after receiving chiropractic care. The benefits were so life-changing that Porter decided to go back to school and complete his Bachelors of Science, as well as his Doctorate in Chiropractic.

With convenient "after work" office hours and Memorial Parkway location, Functional Chiropractic provides affordable, life-changing chiropractic care with excellent customer care and an excitement about your health! When you Function Better, you Feel Better! Visit www.funchiropractic.com and www.facebook.com/funchiro for more information, and call to schedule your new patient appointment today!


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