Bennett Family Chiropractic / Chiropractor in Wallingford, Connecticut

Dr. Stephanie Bennett is a female chiropractor in Wallingford, CT. Dr. Bennett is serving the Wallingford, North Haven, Cheshire, Durham and Meriden communities. Her extensive knowledge, in the most up to date chiropractic approaches, has made Dr. Bennett unique in her field. Her focus is restoring health and function to her patients. Dr. Bennett spends time educating her patients, "Many people focus on pain, but it is much more then that, only 10% of your nervous system feels pain. The other 90% control and coordinate ever single function in your body. Which is why it is extremely important to have this system checked. We use thermal imaging and X-rays to best evaluate the integrity of this system" Please call for your complimentary consultation. If you are suffering with health issues and are looking for a more natural approach, chiropractic is the way to go. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.


Back Pain Chiropractic Diversified Extremity Massage Therapy Neck Pain Nutrition Pediatric Chiropractic Pediatrics And Pregnancy Shoulder Pain Spinal Adjustments Webster Technique Wellness
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