Pickaway Chiropractic Center / Chiropractor in Circleville, Ohio

Pickaway Chiropractic Center in Circleville, OH provides comprehensive chiropractic and wellness care for the entire family. We offer several different types of adjusting to fit the unique needs of every patient. We also provide several different physiotherapy options in order to help facilitate your care. Some of our services include, electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, paraffin, kinesiotape, soft tissue work, traction and much more! Dr. Joshua Dick is a certified extremity practitioner who has expertise in the treatment of feet, ankles, hands, elbows, knees and TMJ issues.
Dr. Christina Dick has additional training in the care of pregnant women, infants and children. Dr. Christina provides chiropractic care for children with ADHD, autism, allergies, ear infections, immunity problems and much more. We offer free consultations to anyone who would like to see if chiropractic care can help them.


Certified Extremity (hand Wrist Elbow Knee And Ankle) Adjustor. Chiropractic Massage Rehabilitation
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