Dolan Family Chiropractic / Chiropractor in Aurora, Illinois

We offer quality chiropractic care for the whole family. Drs Collin and Alorna Dolan guarantee that your family will receive the care and attention that they deserve from a family owned office. Dr Alorna is board certified in the treatment of pregnancy pain and pediatrics through the ICPA and works with the areas top pediatricians, obstetricians, and midwives. Dr Collin specializes in sports injuries, especially foot injuries, rehabilitation, and exercise training. The office incorporates physical therapy, rehabilitation, stretching, and nutrition in a chiropractic setting to get the best results in the shortest time. Treatments include electric muscle stim, traction, ultrasound, laser therapy, and massage to treat a wide variety of injuries such as neck and low back pain, headaches, sciatica, carpal tunnel, rotator cuff injuries, hip pain, foot pain, and arthritis pain.


Chiropractic Custom-made Foot Orthotics Electric Muscle Stim Laser Therapy Nutrition Pediatrics Pregnancy Care Rehabilitation Traction Ultrasound
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